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A laser printer fuser unit is the part in a laser printer that creates pressure and heat to laser printer fuser toner to the paper. Not all of the laser printer fuser parts go bad in the whole assembly when they wear out. The main laser printer fuser part that wears out is the upper laser printer fuser heat roller or the heat laser printer fuser sleeve.
The coating laser printer fuser wears off and causes the toner to not fuse properly. There are laser printer fuser replacement rollers and laser printer fuser sleeves on the market that you can replace and turn a non-functional laser printer fuser into a good working one. Rebuilding laser printer fuser assemblies is not a new thing. Copier laser printer fuser technicians have been doing it for years since the first laser printer fuser office copier was created. When the laser printer fuser wears on any copier they replace certain parts some of which are, the upper heat laser printer fuser roller, lower heat laser printer fuser roller, bearings, picker fingers, drive laser printer fuser gears and more. The laser printer fuser industry has a different approach in that they replace everything laser printer fuser as an assembly. People are accustomed to this and when they need a laser printer fuser replacement laser printer fuser they opt for a new one many times. I believe it is a mind set. A copier laser printer fuser service person would look at it as a waste of money. Why buy a new one when you can buy the replacement laser printer fuser parts for a fraction of the cost and install them and make it as good as new laser printer fuser. You must be cautious when purchasing replacement laser printer fuser parts because there are some replacement laser printer fuser parts that are sub par, so finding a good laser printer fuser parts source is imperative.
I have replaced many laser printer fuser and believe that using refurbished laser printer fuser is the way to go. It will not harm the laser printer fuser machine and I have seen refurbished laser printer fuser last longer than new fusers. You will save money and don it forget about the recycling laser printer fuser aspect. There could be tons of old laser printer fuser cores in the land fills if it wasn’t for refurbished laser printer fuser. The pros out way the cons when it comes to refurbished laser printer fuser units.It is critical that you find quality refurbished laser printer fuser with a good warranty and you will save a lot of money while helping keep our landfills from filling up with old laser printer fuser units.
SMC Multi-Media Products Company Ltd. (SMCMM)
Hong Kong Address :1/F, Shell Industrial Building,12 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.